Downtown Norway Main St. will be blocked off from Whitman St. (where Cafe Nomad/Norway Pizza Xchange are) to Danforth St. (Where Dragon's Lair and 290 Main St. are) for the duration of the NMAAF (10AM - 4PM) and no cars will be allowed on the road.
Vendor check-in begins at 7:30 AM:
Set your GPS to 10 Deering Street (Tesla Charging Station) behind Longley Square Park.
Here you will be checked in and sent in the direction of your vendor space*.
*Staff will have a complete list of vendor numbers/info but please know your vendor number when you arrive for a quicker check-in.
If you are coming into Norway from the west via 118 (past lake Pennesewassee):
Take a left onto Whitman St.
Right onto Pearl St.
The next right onto Deering Street.
Follow signs for check-in there and you will make your way to the end of Deering.
Please do not exit your car.
If you are coming into Norway via Rt. 26 from Paris:
Turn onto Beal St. and follow all the way to stop sign,
Take a quick right onto Cottage and an immediate left onto Pearl.
Take the next left onto Deering and follow signs for check-in.
Please do not exit your car.
If you are coming into Norway via Rt. 26 from Oxford:
Turn left onto Main Street passing Stephen's Memorial Hospital on your right.
Follow Main St. to take a right onto Danforth Street. Take a left onto Beal St. at the stop sign.
Turn left onto Beal Street and follow to the stop sign
Turn right onto cottage and then immediately left onto Pearl St.
Take the next left onto Deering and follow signs for check-in.
Please do not exit your car.